Team Amigu

Hello, world! Learn below about the team that has brought Amigu to you. Fun fact: we are amigus in real life.

Card image cap of Steve Foo
Steve Foo
CEO & Co-Founder

Steve has always been a jack of all trades and has several college degrees to show for it. After graduating, he realized how hard it is to make friends. So, he came up with the idea of Amigu and pitched the idea to all his friends. Some of his friends said, "No". Some said, "You're crazy". Others said, "Son of a gun, I'm in!" and this is the team you see here on this page. Steve's goal for the app is to create a feeling of community and help people not feel alone anymore.

Tagged Interests:
MoviesBoard GamesAnimeMini-GolfingScreen Writing

Card image cap of Lexis Choi
Lexis Choi
CMO & Co-Founder

When Lexis heard of Steve's idea of Amigu, she loved the idea and thought it'd be perfect for introverts like herself. She's hoping Amigu can eventually grow and be a positive influence on the world. She's created the website you are viewing, the Amigu flamingos, and the UI designs that you see on the app. She's also the one woman team running social right now. Aside from Amigu, she enjoys running an Etsy shop and nerding out about Pokémon and the latest indie video games.

Tagged Interests:
Arts & CraftBoard GamesCatsMini-GolfingAnime

Card image cap of Aqib Shah
Aqib Shah
iOS Lead Engineer

Growing up, Aqib has always been interested in technology. He is especially passionate about Apple products. In fact, shortly after getting his first Macbook, his interest led him to switch his major to Computer Science. Since then, he's never looked back. Nowadays, Aqib spends a lot of his nights and weekends tinkering with code, especially his two favorite programming languages: Javascript and Swift! When he's not coding, he's probably trying to figure out what Apple product to buy next.

Tagged Interests:
YouTube BoxingTech TwitterAppleBoard GamesBitcoin

Special Thanks

The team would like to thank to those who helped contribute to project Amigu.

Elan Hasson
Tech Consultant
Marketing Consultant
Ravi Nath
Backend Developer

Pets of Amigu

The humans say they did everything, but us pets are the real hard workers.

Image of Lexis and Steve's cat Eevee.
Chief Nap Officer

Eevee is one of Lexis and Steve's cats. She makes sure everything is going well and that everyone takes their naps seriously. If she's not napping, she's eating cheese.

Tagged Interests:

Image of Lexis and Steve's cat Zorua.
Chief Bug Officer

Zorua is another one of Lexis and Steve's cats. She has the job of keeping the office bug free and happy. If she's not catching bugs, she's catching naps.

Tagged Interests:

Image Steve's roomba Eufy.
Chief Cleaning Officer

The office wouldn't be as clean without Steve's roomba, Eufy. According to Steve, he's the cleanest pet he ever had.

Tagged Interests:
SteveDirtCleaningWalksCharging Cables